Free Initial Consultation - Serving Clients Nationwide - QuickBooks Enterprise 2024

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Construction Management 

QuickBooks Enterprise V24 - Pricing and 30 Day Trial 

Bonding and targeted construction reports: Access current and comprehensive reports to better
manage projects and increase visibility of job status, overbilling and underbilling, work in progress, certified payroll, and daily items that need your immediate attention.  Solution Resources provides industry experience customer support.  A system designed for your construction company's needs.

QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions construction management software puts you in command of your business with estimating features, rich production resources, an accounting engine, and analysis tools. In addition, the software, properly designed and used can help you win more profitable bids, finish jobs faster and minimize risks, better manage your money and collect it more quickly, make each new job better than the last, and grow your business more profitably. QuickBooks Enterprise ties together your company's estimating, production, accounting, and analysis processes, the "Profit Cycle" that is responsible for your business' health. For example: you enter information only once to produce a variety of detailed reports that will help you confidently make rapid, informed business decisions. To help you succeed, QuickBooks Enterprise is delivered with uncompromising service. You'll benefit from easy access to online classes, live seminars, excellent technical support, and, to help you work even more profitably, Solution Resources Advanced Certified Consultants help you get your software implemented and provide you with ongoing assistance. More Info        

Phaps best of all, the software's comprehensive and customizable feature set can help you solve the specific challenges of your particular trade: Commercial Construction, Heavy Construction, Home Building, Plumbing/HVAC Electrical, Specialty Trades, Remodeling and more. QuickBooks Enterprise gives you all the information you need to effectively allocate resources and elevate the efficiency of your work.

QuickBooks Enterprise Diamond for Construction

Special features for the construction industry
When you’re juggling bids, estimates, change orders, invoicing, vendors, subcontractors, employees, and a lot more, it’s good to have these special Enterprise Solutions features in your toolbox:
Customized Chart of Accounts The Job Costing Center
Advanced Job Costing Tools Change Order Functionality
Flexible Billing Rates Estimates
Scheduling Work Orders

Capturing payroll and properly allocating this important job cost is critical to a contractor's success.  Enhanced Payroll is included with Gold and Platinum Subscriptions.  In addition, human resources and insurances features make life easier.  Simply set up and maintain payroll items you specify, from workers' compensation to child support and everything in between. QuickBooks Time Provides Time Tracking.

Over & Underbilling Schedules via Advanced Reporting are available to help you not only comply with Bonding and Financial Statement needs, but also help you manage your open jobs.  Completed Cost Accounting may be great for tax reporting purposes, but you can't run a successful company in the construction industry without reliable information about job progress.  Don't just focus on the problem job!  Manage all jobs and generate scheduled reports so nothing major gets overlooked.

AIA - Is your company using the AIA format for billing?  An App is available for that! Automatically generate quick, accurate billing information following the standard AIA G-702/G-703 Formats...  Automatically generate federal, state or "electronic" Prevailing Wage/Certified Payroll forms, ARRA, EEOC/Work Utilization, and fringe benefit reports An App is available for that too! .. all by Extending the Power of QuickBooks!

The industry specific Committed Cost by Job Report shows the costs incurred for a job but for which you haven't billed the customer. The Estimated Cost comes from the job estimate, the Actual Cost represents the costs you have already billed the customer for. The amount in the Total Cost column is the Actual cost amount plus committed costs and unpaid wages. Committed costs are those amounts that appear on unpaid purchase orders for a job. Unpaid wages come from time entries that have not yet been posted to a payroll check. The amount in the Remaining Cost column represents the Estimated cost amount minus the Total cost amount.

The Job Costing Center gives you a variety of reports, for example the most profitable jobs in the last 12 months, the least Profitable jobs, Job Costing Highlights and access to Job Costing Reports, including Cost to complete by Job Summary, Job Estimates vs Actual, and Job Cost Detail. Further, you can analyze and comment on the reports, attach details and turn these reports into significant construction management tools to guide performance in the future.
Project Management is not just for contractors. Project Management 101

Sales Reps by Job -While QuickBooks allows users to establish ‘Jobs’ as a sub-layer under the Customer until now you could not assign a ‘Sales Rep’ to each Job, only the Customer as a whole. But now, you can assign a Sales Rep for each Job, even when a different Rep (or no Rep at all) is assigned at the Customer level.
Track Equipment Cost in QuickBooks - We can help you set up and track equipment costs and properly allocate equipment costs to jobs. In addition to capturing and managing warranty and maintenance of your equipment so you have all the information needed to use, manage and when necessary make decisions to replace or upgrade.  Instructions. 
.Construction CRM for QuickBooks - Method CRM
Discover Your Profit Cycle & Harness Its Power. QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions ties together your company's estimating, production, accounting, and analysis processes- the "Profit Cycle" that is responsible for your business'

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